Life Lesson’s Your Dog’s have Taught Me

Last year, I was driving home thinking about you guys and all of the dog’s I’ve had the honor of caring for over the year when a huge spirit of gratitude hit my heart. Every dog I have ever worked with or cared for has taught me something. It was a beautiful moment to sit and allow my mind to appreciate both the dog and the lessons they gave me sink in.

In today’s blog, I would love the space to share some of those lessons with you. My hope is to show you how intentional a life can be if you are open to learning. I hope this makes you smile if you see one of your dog’s names on here and if you don’t please know it’s not because your dog didn’t impact me. These are just the few names that came to mind as I was driving. I’ve had the honor of caring for 100’s of dog’s over the years so this is really only a percentage of them.

The dog’s and the lessons they’ve blessed me with:

Mo- there’s still life in old age. Don’t count anyone out. 

Bruce- a strong soul still needs gentle care. 

Harlow- there’s depth to each of us. It takes the right person to see your potential and be patient with bringing it out. Don’t give up. 

Oso- a gentle soul can change your whole outlook on life. A gentle soul is electrifying and contagious. 

Mochi- you can have both beauty and brains. If you are willing to be vulnerable and let down your guard, you can tap into a greater version of yourself you never thought possible. 

Bell - loyalty does exist. 

Eevee- life’s short. Don’t take yourself so serious that you can’t enjoy it. Dance, shout, wiggle and do things that fill your heart with happiness. 

Fletcher - do what makes you happy. Don’t hesitate, don’t wait, act now. 

Mika - I learned how impactful unconditional love is from you. Your generosity and pure soul is so precious and we all need to learn how to operate from that loving place. 

Tito - own your uniqueness. What people see as a flaw in you can actually be your strength. 

Jet - you showed me I’m capable of so much more than I could have ever dreamed of. 

Beau - you showed me that a closed mouth doesn’t get fed. That the size of the heart in the dog is what matters. To never EVER give up on what you desire most. Be loud, bold, and direct with what you want. Never apologize for your true hearts desire. 


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